Gross Encounters

Collaborator: Kaixin Zhao, Jianing Chen

Gross Encounters is a workshop, festival and film screening club developed by Reem Saleh and Noam Toran, now running in its third year.
This collective initiative tackles the politics of monstrosity and alienhood hands on, by honoring low-budget and low-brow sci-fi and horror productions.

We used toilet paper, flour and Vaseline to make wounds. And we used sugar syrup and colours to make fake blood plasma. In order to create a more realistic effect, we used different methods to make it. Finally, it was proved by the experiment that flour and water had the best setting ability.

Theme: eyes gouging

We had to think about the moment when the eyeballs were gouged out, the scene required the use of fake plasma and we had to imagine an impactful image.

We imagined a curse that has existed on campus. The curse existed in a box and could spread like a virus. Everyone who opened the box would gradually be bitten by the “ghost” inside. Their flesh would gradually decay. The box ghost not only loved the flesh and blood on the students’ faces, but also liked to influence more people by manipulating the owner’s spirit. No one was safe.

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